
If you ask Latinos what they think of the U.S. economy, they will tell you things are not good. Inflation has disproportionately impacted the Latino community, chipping away at their purchasing power. Hispanics believe that Bidenomics has delayed the American Dream for hard-working Americans. They worry about falling behind financially. They feel like what they’ve worked so hard to earn could be gone in an instant. But if you ask President Biden, the economy couldn’t be better – so good that he put his name on it: Bidenomics.

The Rhetoric

“We’re bringing down prices across the board.”

– Joe Biden

The Reality

Cost-of-living is up 18%…and climbing.

Since Joe Biden took office, overall prices are up almost 18%, and it costs American families $11,400 more per year just to maintain the quality-of-life they had in January 2021. Inflation shows little sign of easing with core inflation at a hot 4.8% annual rate. The inflation rate could go to zero, and Americans would still be stuck with these higher prices. Bidenomics means Bidenflation.

The Rhetoric

Real wages and take-home pay both down.

– Joe Biden

The Reality


Working Americans are making less under Joe Biden, with inflation-adjusted hourly wages down 2.0%. Recent real wage increases have been more than offset by a decrease in the average work week. The result? Since January 2021, real weekly earnings have shrunk 4.4%. American paychecks are lighter thanks to Bidenomics.

The Rhetoric

“My economic plan is working. It’s reducing the deficit.”

– Joe Biden

The Reality

$2 trillion annual deficits: the new normal.

Joe Biden’s reckless spending has sent the debt and deficits soaring. The national debt was $27.8 trillion when Joe Biden took office; it’s more than $34.2 trillion today. The Congressional Budget Office projects that $2-trillion-plus deficits will soon be the norm. Combined with higher interest rates caused by inflation, American taxpayers last year paid more for interest on the national debt ($879 billion) than defense. In ten years, CBO projects 38 cents of every income tax dollar will go toward interest on the debt.

The Rhetoric

“We’re growing an economy from the middle out and bottom up, instead of the top down…Bidenomics is just another way of saying ‘the American Dream.’”

– Joe Biden

The Reality

Mounting debt, high interest rates no one’s idea of a dream.

With more debt, higher interest rates, and higher prices, the American Dream is out of reach for too many Americans. Inflation, as always, hits the poor the hardest. 7% mortgage rates are pricing many middle-class families out of the housing market. The New York Fed reports household debt reached a record high of $17.5 trillion.

The Rhetoric

“We’re literally reducing the cost of people being able to meet their basic needs.”

– Joe Biden

The Reality

Under Bidenomics it costs more to drive, work, and heat/cool your home.

Joe Biden’s energy policies have hit Americans hard. Since coming into office, home heating oil is up 44%, gasoline is up 33%, and electricity and natural gas are both up 29%. And the President’s electric vehicle (EV) provisions in the misnamed Inflation Reduction Act play into China’s hands, rewarding Chinese EV makers with U.S. taxpayer subsidies and pushing minerals and technologies China controls.


Bidenomics IS NOT WORKING.

Hear from Americans, in their own words, about how Bidenomics is…or isn’t…working for them. Real stories from real Americans.


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